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UiPath Test Suite


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Testing Made Easy with UiPath Studio for Diverse Applications

Nishi Singh and Prashant Deshmukh | May 14, 2024

You ever downloaded an app that crashes before you can even use it? Frustrating, right? Testing is like having an extra-vigilant digital assistant who checks your apps or software over and over to make sure it works perfectly before it is released to the world.

Just like you would not buy a house without checking it for cracks and leaks, we use essential testing tools to test apps throughout their development. One such tool is UiPath Studio. This highly efficient tool, believe it or not, is actually easy to use, even for those who aren’t coding experts. It is great at finding bugs or glitches, ensuring your apps run smoothly and reliably.

Testing is important at every stage of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as it helps you find and fix any problems in your apps, making them more dependable and efficient. While there are many testing tools available in the market to assess the reliability and performance of applications, UiPath Studio has a different fan base considering its low-code capabilities, making it ideal for testing a wide range of apps.

Let’s explore more about UiPath Studio and how its user-friendly features can be applied for testing various apps and improving reliability. You might be surprised by what you find! Keep reading to learn more.

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Why Choose UiPath Test Suite Over Other Testing Tools?

Let’s talk about how UiPath Test Suite can make your testing process easier and more effective. With its easy-to-use features and wide application support, UiPath brings a lot to the table. Here are some of its significant benefits that set it apart from the rest.

Benefits Infographic
  • Easy Test Creation: Using the UiPath Test Automation, test cases can be easily created without requiring extensive coding or scripting skills.
  • Versatile App Support: UiPath supports testing of a wide range of applications, including web, mobile, mainframe, APIs, SAP, databases, and desktop applications.
  • Collaborative Testing: With UiPath Test Suite, multiple team members can collaborate on developing and executing test cases while ensuring everyone is aware of the latest test cases and updates.
  • Detailed Reporting: Detailed reports are generated for each test execution by UiPath Test Suite, allowing users to track and analyze test results regularly.

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Types of Applications That Can Be Tested Using UiPath

As we already know by now, UiPath provides a versatile platform for testing various types of applications, ensuring they run smoothly and reliably across different domains. Now, let’s explore how UiPath Test Suite can be used to test desktop applications, databases, APIs, and web applications, each with its unique testing methodologies and benefits.


Desktop Application Testing

The UiPath.Testing.Activities package allows testing of desktop applications in UiPath. Desktop application can be tested on a large dataset with the help of data-driven testing covering various dataset variations.

To perform desktop application testing, create an execution template. The test case can be created in UiPath Studio Pro using the Given, When, and Then blocks. Add the required activities within these blocks to execute the test case effectively.

Desktop Application Testing

Database Testing

Database plays a crucial role in any application development. In addition to safeguarding data integrity, database testing eliminates duplicates and reduces discrepancies. As the data model and database are typically set before the user interface and API, this is a good way to start testing early.

To perform database testing in UiPath, you will need two things: Studio Pro and UiPath.Database.Activities package. The database activities package allows you to carry out various database operations, including query execution or non-query execution.

When creating a basic test case, you can provide an input dataset in the ‘Given’ block. The workflow designed using the database activities package, which includes executing queries or non-queries, should be added under the ‘When’ block of the test case. The ‘Then’ block is used to verify and match the expected outcome or behavior of the test case.

As shown in the example below, database testing is carried out using a database-driven approach.

  1. An Excel file with all the expected outputs, including Account Number, Account Type, Account Name, and Account Balance, is provided. Database Testing
  2. In the ‘When’ block, a workflow is invoked to fetch loan applicant details from the database based on the user ID.
  3. In the ‘Then’ block, there are three validations that need to be done:
    • First, it checks if the number of received records is one, as each customer is unique.
    • Then, it tries to verify the account type for the received record with the one that exists in test data set.
    • Third and last, it tries to match the Account Name with the account name mentioned in the test dataset.

API Testing

The API takes the request from the user, sends it to the service provider, and then sends the result generated by the service provider back to the user. The purpose of API testing is to ensure that the API is functional, reliable, performant, and secure. The main goal of API testing is to focus on the implemented business logic layer, unlike UI testing where the target is to focus on the look and feel of the application. The API testing can be done using Studio Pro and Postman or by using Studio Pro and SOAP & Swagger.

The New Service wizard in Studio further supports API Test Automation projects by generating activities directly from SOAP or REST web services. Using this option, you can load all the methods or endpoints in a web service automatically.

The first step to perform API Testing is to generate activities from the Web service.

API Testing

Once the web service activities are loaded the API testing can be done by adding the activity that needs to be tested under the ’When’ block by providing the required input and matching the generated output in the Then block.

API Testing Chart

Web Application Testing

Web application testing involves testing an application on different web browsers. The key to ensuring your application is successful is to test and identify functionality across different browsers. The web browser testing can be accomplished using the Object repository in Studio.

To perform web browser testing, you will have to create an Object repository for all the required UI elements within a browser like Edge and publish the Object repository. Next, you can define a new version of the Object repository targeting the different browsers for the same UI elements say Chrome and publish the Object repository.

The next step is to create a test case using the UI elements defined in the Object repository and matching the generated result using a verify expression. Once the application is tested for one browser, it can be tested across different browsers by updating the Object repository package version.

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Simplifying Testing with UiPath

We all love apps that run smoothly, right? No crashes, no hassles. That's why testing is so important. It ensures that the software we built meets the required standards and expected outcome by identifying, reporting and eliminating bugs. Basically, testing provides a defect free software and that ensures customer satisfaction.

UiPath makes testing easier because it integrates seamlessly with other apps. Quality assurance (QA) could be transformed by the UiPath low-code interface, elevating testing from a cost center to a value generator. Additionally, UiPath allows testing processes to be modernized and liberated from legacy software. And you know what could be an added advantage? Teaming up with a trusted UiPath partner, like Accelirate. As a UiPath Platinum Partner, Accelirate’s dedicated team of experts can guide you through this process and make sure your software performs at its best.


Time for a Quiz Break!

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1 / 3

Which types of applications can be tested using UiPath?

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What does UiPath Test Suite help you do?

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How does UiPath Test Suite facilitate collaboration among team members?

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Nishi Singh

Nishi Singh

UiPath - Technical Lead

Nishi is a technical lead for the UiPath services provided by Accelirate. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Engineering. She is an experienced Robotic Process Automation consultant with proficiency in multiple RPA and OCR tools.

Prashant Rameshrao

Test Manager @Accelirate

As a Test Manager at @Accelirate, I am responsible for ensuring the quality and reliability of software applications and services for various clients and domains. I have over 18 years of experience in software testing, with a focus on automation testing of cloud-based applications using UiPath, Selenium, Java, Cucumber, Jenkins, REST Assured, and SoapUI Pro.