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Home Resources Insights How to Measure the Effectiveness of your RPA Support

How to Measure the Effectiveness of your RPA Support

  • Featured Insights
  • January 19, 2023

What is RPA Support?

RPA Support involves the monitoring, maintaining, and improving of automations that have been deployed to production. When automation opportunities are discovered, they are then evaluated and accepted or rejected for development. The approval process investigates the benefits provided by the automation and once a project is approved for development, the proposed benefits are evaluated to ensure that they are realized. Once the automation is developed and running in production the value is charted.

Organizations will measure and maintain this value in different ways. Some will use their development team to ensure that the automations pushed to production work as intended. Some will do this with their internal team, or they will hire a dedicated RPA support team. This article will explore how to understand if your RPA Support is effective and where to reach out for help!

Business Support Concept Problems Solutions

What are the Responsibilities?

Understanding the responsibilities of your RPA support is the very first thing you can do to measure its effectiveness. Your RPA Support team should consist of individuals with various skills. This is due to the nature of the responsibilities inherent in support and maintenance of production automations.

For example, monitoring the performance of your production automations is the key to understanding their value. Monitoring can include log monitoring, input/output monitoring, job monitoring and environment monitoring. Knowing when automations, applications or environments are having issues and being able to address them quickly is critical to a successful RPA program.

Next is the identification and implementation of bug fixes and process enhancements. This will keep your business users happy and the RPA program evolving. A failure in any of these responsibilities can have a snowball effect on your program. Hence, having the right people in place is extremely important for foolproof execution of these responsibilities.

Goals of RPA Support

When automations are pushed to production for the first time the value realization begins. Having your RPA Support work in parallel with the goals of the team who built the automation will yield the best results. Here are some examples of goals set by our RPA Support teams:

  • Improve the reliability of all automations in production
  • Maintain or increase ROI delivered by the automation program
  • Allow for continued growth of RPA program
  • Improve Response and Resolution times for incidents and enhancements
  • Provide Peace of Mind to Business Users
  • Reduce support workload of Development and IT Teams
  • Determine if any automations need to be retired

How do I know if my RPA support is effective?

The first aspect to understanding the effectiveness of anything is to have data or information to back up any claims of success or failure. How this data will be generated, gathered, and ultimately analyzed is important.

When it comes to RPA Support, you must have a system in place to track the work the team is doing and organize that effort into specific measurable tasks.

Understanding the effort taken to monitor, fix and enhance your processes will help you determine where the strengths and weaknesses are within the program. Here are some areas to focus on:

  • Identify how many incidents occur per day, week, month
  • Identify the most common incident types
  • Identify incidents Trends
  • Identify how many Enhancements are required per month
  • How can we see the benefits?
    • a. Increased Reliability -› Lower failures and errors
    • b. Increased Productivity -› More transactions processed
    • c. Cost Savings Increase -› Higher Utilization
  • Identify if support capacity needs to be increased or decreased

Example: Top Graph shows Support Efforts per Month. Bottom graph shows reduction in Errors and Failures for that Process over time.

Cat Img
Error Graph
Error Week