Best Places to Work in South Florida

Accelirate Inc. was named to the list of Best Places to Work in South Florida 2020 by the South Florida Business Journal. Awarded as a Medium Sized Company (50-100 Employees Located in South Florida), Accelirate received this honor via the results of individual employee surveys submitted through Quantum Workplace. All eligible Accelirate Employees based in South Florida were sent a link to participate in a survey hosted by quantum workplace to answer questions about working for Accelirate. Topics included: company culture, employee benefits, management styles, general happiness, opportunity for growth, and more.
After the results were calculated by Quantum Workplace, the South Florida Business Journal considered the scores along with company information and an essay about their culture to determine which companies were in fact the best places to work. Accelirate has been invited to and will be honored at the annual South Florida Business Journal “2020 Best Places to Work” Ceremony in February of 2020, were the official list rankings will be announced.
For more information on the award and the award ceremony, visit the South Florida Business Journal website.